Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Visualization - One trillion dollars

What can one do with a Trillion Dollars?

*Buy a $3 latte every day for ... 900 million years


*Fund the military of ... all NATO countries combined


*Run the US Federal Government for ... about three months

See the 1 minute video for more fun ideas for how to spend a trillion USD.

I found the link at http://infosthetics.com/


  1. I wonder how this fact puts the national debt in perspective. The debt suddenly seems lilke a small percentage. What am I missing?

  2. To me the video does almost the reverse; our national debt is $11.7 trillion, and the current year budget deficit (this year's addition to the national debt) is $1.4 trillion. These certainly seem like large numbers. Maybe I didn't understand what you meant by "a small percentage" (of what?). Even if we compare the national debt to the global GDP (~$55 trillion or so) the US debt still looms large, don't you think?

  3. Well, I think I'm mostly showing my ignorance. Thanks.
