Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some particular benefits of capitalism: It's the little things...

As I was mingling with my friends this morning, eating a doughnut, I couldn't help but be thankful to God for his provisions. Particularly I was looking at one delicious product of capitalism - the Krispy Kreme doughnut. How great it is that some people choose to get up before sun comes up, to drive to work before my alarm clock rings, and to offer their product to those who choose to buy it for a trifling sum.

Of course, today I did not have to buy the doughnut because of another blessing that God provided -a free breakfest for faculty and staff at the university, so I am even more thankful for God's provisions for the university as a whole.


  1. In the Soviet Union they didn't. For us meat was luxury and donuts didn't exist.

    But we did have everything in common - the hospitals, the cafeterias, the fields, the press...

  2. Hah! Plus, it takes someone with enough investment capital to make the machines that make Krispy-Cremes. I would shudder to think what the Soviet collective defined as a pastry.

  3. Lexie Bales
    Capitalism is beyond our comprehension. We don't have enough time to truly realize how much God provides us with each and every day. We take a lot of regular gifts for granite and are spoiled in all facets of life. Its nice to pause long enough to assess what we have undeservingly been graciously given by the love of God.
