Friday, May 22, 2009

Boxer Battalion

I found this article interesting. A U.S. soldier from Ft. Worth was photographed fighting the Taliban in his pink boxer shorts. This reminds me of the off-duty police officer in his boxer shorts, that was reported chasing a criminal a few months ago. It appears that terrorists and criminals should always be on guard because the authorities are ready (or not so ready) always.

Some may view this response as disrespectful to the U.S. for failure to comply with uniform requirements. I think this is giving the terrorists exactly the kind of respect they deserve.
The article points out the bravery of this young soldier to fight wearing his pick boxer shorts. It certainly makes him a target, but maybe Gates was correct about psychological warfare. It is probably only a matter of time before others try this new form of psychological warfare. What about Football players or hockey players showing up out of uniform to play. That would be brave!
-Jamie Herndon


  1. When I first say the picture this article is alluding to I had to laugh. Not only did it make feel proud to be an American but thankful for the rights the military protects for us. This shows how willing a soldier is to protect his fellow soldiers and country regardless of his appearance. His company must have given him some razzing after the picture was in the media, “Pink Boxer’s” now that is funny. Hooah!

  2. I loved this picture! I shows how dedicated the men and women are who are defending our country. I would much rather the solider pick up his gun and fight than be killed putting on his pants. I agree that most likely he was probably harassed by his fellow soldiers for wearing PINK boxers. It makes me very proud.
    Delinda W.

  3. This is a cool article and picture! When you are coming under fire, it is more important to get out there and fight and help protect your fellow soldiers than worrying about what you are wearing! Of course, there is a proper uniform that should be adhered to, but this soldier had his priorities in order and knew in that moment that it was more important to get out there and fight. He made the right call! I do think it's a funny picture and it's even funnier that his boxers are pink! Haha!
