Friday, January 1, 2010

Obama's Eye on Intelligence

Americans enter 2010 again questioning whether our government is keeping us safe. President Obama is determining whether intelligence personnel is fully sharing information.


  1. We continue to talk talk talk after the fact when these things occur. I think that every time we rely on humans, we are doomed to failure. We need better technology like the full body scanners. I'm not thrilled with people seeing my curves and rolls, but that's a small price to pay for being secure in the air. Just like the recent story that TSA workers left a huge gaping hole in the security at DFW airport recently, we cannot rely on people, especially those making minimum wage or just above.

    Perhaps the government should outsource this security business to private business. Think of the jobs that would be created. (instead of enlarging government).

    Karen Hensley
    POLS student

  2. It is good to know that obama is trying to take action as well as Janet Napolitano, homeland security secretary, is sending out senior officials to international airports to review their security procedures. We can only hope and pray that our airport security measures will be sharpened and intensified. I do agree with you Karen, I wish we could have some sort of further full body scan or something on each person. I think just a metal detector isn't good enough these days. I am so shocked that Ethiopian attempted terrorist, Umar was able to get through metal detectors and xray belts. Like Kit Bond, sen. of Missouri said, "some body screwed up big time". We are paying (our tax dollars) --We have spent millions of dollars paying people to come up with "top notch" security detection technology and for some reason people are still getting planes with bombs? The administration officials said it themselves, that the system was flawed and the government failed to follow its own directives. It is obvious intelligence officials are somewhat to blame and definitely have some explaining to do and then some major reassessing to do as well.

    Aimee Virgin POLS 2301

  3. There have been numerous mishaps with Obama’s Administration letting things fall through the crack this year. I don’t believe it is anymore or worse than the Administration had in the past…remember 9/11. You can’t solely blame one department, because there are many departments that are not communicating impertinent information.

    You should also look at the fact that there is not enough money being spent to secure our safety effectively. In all this time, terrorist have figured out how to get bombs past the security equipment we’ve had for ten years. Sufficient equipment is out there, we just need to get it.

    Carol Williams, POLS 2301

  4. There is obviously a breakdown in communication somewhere with regard to National and Homeland Security. We see over and over again that the systems in place are flawed, and that we are not being protected the way that we could and should be. I believe that investigations should be made into our nations anti terrorism policies, and safeguards put in to place to prevent these types of threats from occurring. This should be a priority for Washington and acted upon quickly.

    Leslie H.
    (POLS 2301)

  5. This administration has developed several new departments within the government and I think that why one of the reasons we have had a break down in our national security. Big government=a breakdown in communication. President Obama is very optimistic about our countries future but it is important that out leaders do not think that we are not a target for terrorists.

    Jennifer murff

  6. Not sure that all communication is good communication. I strongly believe the government is as open as it ever has been. With all the opportunities for risk, and the number of places where these will originate from, it's tough to catch them all, and many, many have been averted. I sense a willingness to learn from whatever goes wrong and that's the most important thing to me.

    Richard Lefrancois

  7. Enough excuses and good for Pres. Obama for calling out his administration for dropping the ball. Every time something catastrophic happens we realize that the government has overlooked something and the current administration always blames the previous administration. Now it is time to fix the problem. Figure out a flow and how important communication is sent and received by top officials. With the way Homeland Security and other of agencies react to terrorism, the citizens of this country will have to start protecting themselves.

  8. I agree with Karen in some respects. Most people that work minimum wage jobs are usually not the best at making sure the job gets done with precision. I think it would be a great idea to give this type of job to a company in the freemarket. If these are government employees then their salary is provided by, through taxes, just like the new addition of government employeed in General Motors Corporations. Aside from just airport security, people are so concerned with safety that they don't realize that this idea is an illusion. I believe in precautions, but people will always expose the hole (i.e. terrorists). Therefore, don't sacrifice liberty for an unattainable idea.

    Blake Hatfield
